Chasing Rainbows
Chasing Rainbows is an illustrated collection of quirky poems for children and adults alike, featuring an array of colourful characters and imaginitive worlds. Meet The Spaghetti Yeti, The Adorable Snowman, Hiccupping Hilda and Messie Bessie amongst other weird and wonderful creations.
"Seriously, it's one of those rare books you read to your Children that is genuinely fun to read as an adult. Genius!"
"A heart warming poetic read with beautiful illustrations and affirmative morals, which makes it both suitable and enjoyable for young and old."
"A wonderful timeless book of interesting and funny poems with original characters. My kids aged 6 and 8 love this book and all the characters. You won't be disappointed with this heart warming book."
"This is just the most gorgeous book which will appeal to both children and adults. Hilarious rhymes with such quirky cleverly written. And also amazing illustrations."